Contact lenses are a great alternative to eyeglasses. There are different types of lenses and it can be overwhelming to understand about them. Lets’ explore about them in detail.
The two main types of contact lenses are soft lenses and rigid gas permeable (RGP) contacts. The soft lenses are made of hydrogen, which is an oxygen permeable material. It is thin and flexible and it is prescribed to most people as it is easy to adapt to as well as affordable. You can also change them regularly for convenience.
The RGP lenses are suggested if the surface of your eye is suited to a smaller and firmer lens. The lenses are made of rigid silicone material, which allows more oxygen to pass through as compare to the regular disposable contact lenses. They are custom fit to the eye.
These lenses are designed for correcting myopia and hyperopia and they are common type of lenses.
There are designed for correcting astigmatism that occurs when the cornea is shaped like a football instead of a basketball.
These lenses are designed for correcting presbyopia by allowing multiple prescriptions in one lens so you can see both near and far.
Daily Contact Lenses
These are quite simple to wear as they don’t require cleaning at the end of the day says the optometrist in 91203. You can just throw them away before going to bed and wear a new pair the next time you need them.
These can be used continuously for at least 2 to 4 weeks. Your wearing schedule is decided by the type of product and as per the recommendation of your eye care professional.
These lenses can be worn for a year or two before you replace them. However, the exact duration depends on your individual case.