Retinal Detachment Risks

Retinal Detachment Risks

Feb 14, 2019

Have you heard of Retinal detachment? It’s a serious condition which can impact a person’s vision. The detachment happens when retina pulls away from the tissues around it. This leaves retina separated from other tissue in the eye. The retina processes light and also sends visual messages to your brain which allows the images to be created. The vision is affected due to retinal detachment. However, Retina treatment in Glendale can help in addressing the condition.

Risk of Permanent Vision Loss

One of the most serious risks associated with retinal detachment is loss of vision. It affects the function of eyes and ability to process images. The common symptoms of detachment which need Retina treatment in Glendale, CA are flashes and floaters along with darkening of the peripheral vision. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is time to see an eye doctor that can help in treating the condition.

Who is at Risk of Retinal Detachment?

  • Though the retinal detachment can happen at any age, the risk increases when a person reaches the age of 40.
  • People suffering from nearsightedness are also at risk of retinal detachment as compared to people with other types of vision impairment.
  • Just like several other diseases, it is believed that retinal detachment can also have links with genetics.
  • Studies show that if there is a history of eye complication, the risk of retinal detachment increases. People who have had eye injury, undergone cataract surgery, or have certain eye disease, are more vulnerable to retinal detachment.

Retinal Detachment Treatment

The retinal detachment carries risk of vision loss but with early diagnosis and medical intervention, the vision can be saved. The regular eye care examination can help in staying alert. If the doctor finds any symptoms, the Retina treatment in 91203 can be performed immediately. Regular eye examination is the only way of saving your eye from retinal detachment or any other eye disease. The cost of Retina treatment near me depends on the underlying issue and the eye doctor will let you know about it in advance.

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