Common Corneal Conditions, Their Causes & Treatment

Common Corneal Conditions, Their Causes & Treatment

Jun 01, 2022

The eye comprises several layers, one of them being the cornea. The cornea is a clear, transparent tissue located at the front and center of the eye. It plays a vital role in protecting the pupil by blocking dirt and foreign objects from accessing the inner layers of the eye.

Light passes through the cornea, where it is focused or adjusted before reaching the pupil. In simple terms, the cornea can be described as the glass situated at the front of a camera lens.

What is a Corneal Condition?

A corneal condition is any disease that affects the outer layer of the eye called the cornea. Common symptoms of corneal diseases include pain, blurred vision, eye irritation, and increased sensitivity to light.

Although the cornea can repair itself after a minor injury, severe conditions such as infections may require a visit to an ophthalmologist near you for diagnosis and treatment.

Corneal diseases may result in scarring, clouding, distortion, or even blindness if not taken seriously.

Types of Corneal Conditions

Below are the types of commonc corneal conditions:


Keratoconus is a disease that causes the central cornea to become thin and weak. When infected, the cornea develops a cone shape deformity that may progress rapidly and lead to blurred vision if not treated early. In addition, patients who wear contact lenses may find it challenging to keep them on due to the change in the shape of the cornea.

Fuchs’ Endothelial Dystrophy

Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy is a hereditary condition characterized by an abnormality of the endothelium (a cell layer found in the inner part of the cornea).

The endothelium layer plays a vital role in keeping the cornea clear and thin by pumping out fluids. If the endothelium gets damaged, the cornea can swell and become cloudy leading to poor vision.

Bullous Keratopathy

Bullous keratopathy is a painful condition that causes the cornea to swell due to the accumulation of fluids inside its tissue caused by damage to the endothelium. Visit our ophthalmologist in Glendale, CA, as soon as you start experiencing pain or swelling in your eye.

What Causes Corneal Conditions?

Below are the common causes of corneal conditions:


Parasitic diseases, viral keratitis, fungi, and bacteria are some of the most common causes of corneal conditions. To protect yourself from the spread of infections that may cause eye diseases, visit an eye doctor near you for routine eye checkups.


Trauma to the eye can cause excruciating pain and vision loss. Ensure you protect your eyes from injury, abrasions, and exposure to toxic chemicals.

Autoimmune Disorders

Some autoimmune diseases such as lupus, Wegener’s disease, and arthritis can increase the risk of contracting corneal diseases.


Some allergies, such as atopic keratoconjunctivitis and vernal, can cause damage to your corneal and result in vision impairment.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Patients with a low concentration of vitamin A have a higher chance of contracting vision-related diseases. Eat nutritious food and take your multivitamin tablets to prevent nutritional deficiency.


Some people have a higher chance of getting corneal diseases based on their genetic makeup. If most of your family members have suffered from eye conditions, visit our clinic for the best diagnosis and eye care in Glendale.


The older you get, the higher your chances of developing eye problems. If you are above 40 years, ensure you go for regular eye checkups as your vision can deteriorate with time.

Benefits of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Corneal Diseases

Here are the advantages of diagnosis and treatment of corneal diseases:

Improves Your Vision

Corneal diseases can cause your vision to worsen and make it difficult for you to read, work and drive. In addition, impaired vision puts your health at risk as it can lead to making mistakes that may result in fatal injuries.

You can save yourself from the effect of vision loss by visiting our eye clinic for early diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions.

Prevents Complete Loss of Vision

Loss of vision is often caused by patients prolonging treatment of corneal conditions. When you visit our Glendale Eye Medical Group, we can carry out a corneal transplant procedure to save you from eye pain and blindness.


Corneal diseases put you at risk of other eye-related diseases that may cause blindness if not diagnosed and treated early. We recommend you visit an ophthalmologist immediately after you start experiencing pain and vision impairment to prevent the symptoms from progressing. Visit or book an appointment with Glendale Eye Medical Group today; we are well trained and experienced in providing our patients with the best eye care services.

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