Are You At Risk For Retinal Detachment?

Are You At Risk For Retinal Detachment?

Jan 16, 2019

What is retinal detachment? Are you at the risk of retinal detachment? According to Retina Specialist in Calgary, retinal detachment happens when the layer of tissue that send visual message via optic nerve becomes loose from its position. It can result in vision loss if not treated on time.

Symptoms of Retinal Detachment:

  • A sudden increase in the small pecks which cross the field of your vision periodically.
  • Flashing lights when you move the eyes
  • Feeling a dark curtain on the field of vision.

Though it is common in people above the age of 40, it can happen at any age. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s time to see a Retina Specialist in 91203 as there are many risk factors associated with retinal detachment.

Here’s a Look:

  • Diabetic Retinopathy

It happens when the blood vessels of your eyes are damaged because of increase in blood sugar levels. It can lead to scar tissue resulting in pulling the retina loose from your eye.

  • Severe Myopia

The Retina Specialist says that your risk of retinal detachment increases by 4 times if you are nearsighted.

  • Family history

You are likely to experience retinal detachment if you have had a family history of the same.

  • Eye diseases

If you suffer from any eye disease like lattice degeneration or uveitis, the risk of retinal detachment increases.

  • Eye injury/ surgery

The risk of retinal detachment increases if you suffer from an eye injury or have undergone an eye surgery.

It’s important that the retinal detachment symptoms are diagnosed early as it will help in repairing and preventing the loss of vision. Thus, it is imperative to see a retina specialist as soon as possible when you see even minutest symptoms. Plus, regular eye examination after the age of 40 can also help in diagnosing underlying issues or eye conditions such as retinal detachment. Finding a retinal specialist may take some time but you can ask for recommendations and references so that you end up with the best of eye doctor.

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