Retina is light-sensing tissue, which resides in the back of the eye. It’s responsible for relaying images to the brain. Without healthy retina, you can’t read, drive, or see the fine details says the optometrist in Glendale. A disorder of retina affects very important tissue which can affect your vision to the point of blindness. The eye conditions caused because of the disorder are floaters, macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, retinal detachment, and retinitis pigmentosa.
If you have spots in your vision, you have floaters. The floaters can be age-related but they can also occur in cases of severe nearsightedness. The jelly substance which the eye is made up of becomes more liquid and small clumps cast shadow on the retina. Floaters can also be a result of the torn retina and if the tear is not repaired, it can lead to retinal detachment.
Macular degeneration is another age related condition of the retina which causes central vision loss. It is common for the individuals over the age of 55 and it is estimated that over 10 million people in the USA are suffering from this condition. Blurry vision, warped straight lines, and difficulty in focusing are common symptoms. Antioxidant supplements can slow the progression by blocking unhealthy blood vessel development.
People with diabetes are more prone to retinal damage. They can experience blurry vision, double vision, floaters, or dark spots along with pressure or pain in eye, flashing lights or rings. Laser surgery can help in treating it. Diabetics are also at increased risk of cataract and glaucoma.
It can happen when too much fluid accumulates behind the retina causing separation. There are other risk factors as well such as extreme nearsightedness, genetic predisposition, previous cataract surgery, eye injury, other eye disorders, etc.
It describes a genetic condition which can cause degeneration of the retina. Vision loss declines as the rods and cons die. Rods are affected first and then the degeneration moves to the cones. Other symptoms are night blindness, central vision loss and color blindness.